Hi, I'm Jahrim đź‘‹

I'm a PhD Student

Jahrim Cesario

Hi, I'm Jahrim đź‘‹

I'm a PhD Student


Sometimes I update this section with thoughts, news, and events.

ICFP24 at Milano

The Duomo of Milano

Many interesting talks and people. There are weeks’ worth of places to explore in Milano, beside the stunning Duomo. Also some really good sushi? Unfortunately, the city was flooded due to terrible weather and I got sick the last few days.

Hiking at Säntis

The view from the top of Säntis

Six difficult hours for an under experienced and under equipped hiker. At the top of Säntis, the struggle is handsomely rewarded with an amazing view of the surrounding countries. I have to thank my colleagues for suggesting this experience and helping me through it.

PLDI24 at Copenhagen

Rosenborg Castle

My first time attending a conference, visiting the city both as an aspiring researcher and a tourist. Apparently, conferences are quite the social challenge. Among our destinations, the Rosenborg Castle was definitely a favorite.

ZuriHac24 in Rapperswil

The lake of Zurich by Rapperswil

A chill event for Haskellers at the Campus of Rapperswil-Jona by the lake of Zurich. There were inspiring talks on the role of functional programming for real-world systems.

Moving to St. Gallen

The city of St. Gallen

The first week of moving, I explored the city with my father. Uphill, we walked along the three lakes where you can see the entirety of St. Gallen. I am still surprised by how we managed to organize everything so timely.